Why You Should Stay Away From the Alternative Media

Media programming has evolved over time alongside with advances in technology. In the past, the primary media outlets were radio, television, and newspaper. However over the last couple of decades the Internet has become a huge player. More and more people have become reliant on the Internet for their information. They have become more skeptical of the mainstream media (MSM) and thus have gravitated to the alternative sites because the alternative will often discuss things that the MSM won’t. People have begun to realize that there are things that the government and the MSM has mislead us, such as COVID, the 2008 financial crisis, and 9/11. Because of this, many people have placed more of their trust in the hands of the alternative media. This is a mistake. The audience is not aware that the alternative essentially promotes the same things as the MSM. Unfortunately many cannot see this and are falling for the same bag of tricks.

The Jewish Question

You cannot discuss the alternative media without mentioning the Jews and their role in it. Like the MSM, the alternative media is Jewish controlled (see Zionist Control of America). Mike Stathis, of AVA investment research, has pointed out that nearly every member of the alternative media are either Jews, married to Jews, or working under cover for Jewish organizations. Jews are highly collectivist and work together as a group to achieve common goals.

Why is the Jewish dominance of the media of concern? It should be of concern if any group of people of a different background than yours dominate the control of information. It is important because the goals of those outside your group are going to be at odds with yours, often times directly in contradiction. Most who are glued to the alternative media are unconscious of the fact that they are being bombarded with agendas that is weakening and destroying them while at the same time strengthening those that they have been in conflict against. I have identified six main things that the alternative media promotes:

1) Politics and the Republican party. There has been a big shift in the techniques that the establishment has used in continuing the “lesser of the two-evils” system. Because of the growing popularity of the internet, this medium has become a major tool for societal control, just like television. The alternative media has become the de facto platform for the Republican party. It was the alternative media that got Trump elected in 2016. The alternative media does not have to worry as much about expressing politically incorrect ideas because they do not have large Wall Street firms with brand recognition attaching their names to them unlike the MSM. This medium is therefore more suited for conservative candidates than liberal ones. But are there real differences between the two parties? Trump and the Republicans were heavily pro-Israel, just like Biden and Clinton. Both parties are heavily supportive of the wars for Israel (i.e. War on Terror). Both parties are completely supportive of the Federal Reserve system, the banks, and the corporations. So if you think the Republicans are the answer, you have become deceived once more. The alternative media continues the age old technique of controlling the masses through divide and conquer. And like the MSM, they want to create an impression that you are an action-taker by going to the polls and voting your way out of the problems.

2) Wars against the enemies of Israel. Being heavily Jewish there is one thing that is going to come out of the media. They are going to smear anyone or any group of people that they perceive as a threat to the Jews or the state of Israel. Israel if you didn’t already know is a Jewish state designed for the Jewish people. They have been in constant conflict with their Arab-Muslim neighbors since at least 1948, the year Israel was established (it also doesn’t help that the Arab countries are largely undemocratic, which is an obstacle to Jewish penetration). Because of the heavy Jewish involvement in the media, both MSM and the alternative, there is an obvious bias in the portrayal of those people. Bashing a group of people is declaring war on them. Naturally with anybody you are at war against, you are going to portray them as evil and subhuman. This should be obvious, but few recognize it.

3) Judeo-Christianity. Despite what you hear about Jews disliking Christianity, the fact is that they are heavy promoters of it and always have been. Christianity, as well as religions such as Islam and Buddhism, has historically been a tool of societal control. Organized religions have helped make the governance of mass territories and nation-states easier.

Organized religions, except Judaism, emphasizes the afterlife or the eternal preservation of the soul. Judaism does not and is one reason why Jews are generally more successful than others. Jews feel they must maximize the short time they have on this planet. Christians are big into hope and faith. Jews are not. Jews do not rely on hope and faith and they do not wait around for miracles to happen. If they did they wouldn’t be able to become such a powerful and influential force. Jews are successful because they are action-takers and the Gentiles are not. Jews are highly focused people and rely on reality as their guiding light.


  • focused on reality
  • this life is real
  • no focus on the afterlife
  • aggression against their enemies
  • value success and wealth
  • for usury

Other organized religions

  • disconnected from reality
  • this life is only a test
  • belief in the afterlife and/or preservation of the soul
  • pacifism and turning the other cheek
  • value being humble and not having enough
  • against usury

4) Movements of anti-government. Historically it has been government and authority that were roadblocks to Jewish success. Jews have always seen government and authority as limiting their full potential and as relegating them as second class citizens with limited rights. Historically it has been government, particularly non-democratic governments, that has kept Jewish power in check. Jewish power has always come from within, through the private ownership of the media, the banks, and the corporations. Jews owe their success largely due to the relatively free society of America. Though various groups of people have benefited to some extent from a free and democratic society, the Jews have benefited the most. Like many things, freedom and democracy is a two-edged sword.

5) Gold, silver, and Bitcoin. The gold and silver business has long been controlled by the Jews. They make large commissions on the sale of gold, silver, and other metals and they must have their guys constantly spread fear of hyperinflation and Armageddon to panic you in buying their products. The situation is similar with Bitcoin, where Jews make large commissions off of the Bitcoin trade through the exchanges they own.

6) Misc products and services. This ties in with number 5. The alternative media pushes all sorts of products and services on you, often overpriced and of dubious quality. In one category are items such as DVDs, T-shirts, souvenirs, and survival products. These products generally carry a similar theme – that of “taking down” the New World Order. In the other category are items pertaining to personal development, such as nutritional supplements. If their site doesn’t directly sell those things, they certainly will link their sites to those that do. Jews historically have been the world’s foremost opportunists and they do what they do best. The alternative media is really one big infomercial.

Every alternative site promotes at least one of the above points and a few of them push all or nearly all of the above. The alternative media has essentially become the mainstream media. Both polarize the audience with divide and conquer politics. Both promote wars for Israel. Both promote Judeo-Christianity, though the alternative media is more so. Both promote freedom and democracy. Both push products and services on you that you do not really need. And both are big on personal development. Everything else that the alternative media discusses is smoke and mirrors. It is designed to hook you, to milk you, to dumb you down, and to distract you.

Ninety-nine percent of the alternative media is remanufactured mainstream media. – Mike Stathis

Media propaganda, both from the MSM and the alternative, is effective because they present their information in a purely black and white manner. Reality is rarely black and white. There are always shades of grey. Every propaganda message carries some sort of truth behind it or it wouldn’t be effective. Regardless of whether there is truth to what is said or not, the bigger question is why are they saying what they are saying? Why are they getting exposure? What are they not telling you? You need to understand motives and why you are being told what you are being told. You need to figure out who benefits and who doesn’t. You need to think about all of these things if you want to understand how the world really works.